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11 September 2008


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Thanks so much for your comments, Dee. Recently, Johnny Costalas and I reminisced about the pre- and post-9/11 days at his café. While much has changed across the street from Essex World, Johnny remains as dedicated, vibrant, and, of course, as avuncular as ever. Again, thanks for sharing your comments, Dee.


Just thought I'd let you know that we're still reading your story. Thank you so much for sharing it.




Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Tangled Noodle.

Tangled Noodle

"Sadly, the fortitude and determination to repair and reopen is often untold, and taken for granted. The Costalases represent some of the unsung heroes of 9/11."

Not anymore - this is a marvelous tribute and a beautiful example of courage, perseverance and friendship. Thank you for a lovely story!


Hi snadeau. Glad you enjoyed your visit. In 2001, Essex World—known then as The Food Exchange—looked much as it does today. Miami Subs was down the block and, if memory serves me correctly, there was a deli (whose name escapes me at the moment) matching your description as well.

Thanks for reading and for your kind remarks.


Nice post, I visited this place last week, had breakfast there, very good food and great service. It was my first time in NYC since april 2001. You seem to know much about this place and I was wondering if this place changed since 2001, I remember of some kind of deli on the exact same street where we used to go me and my girlfriend. We took this habit of going once every year at that particular deli where we bought beer, sandwiches and muffin, is it the same place that turned from a deli to more of a restaurant or am I talking of a different place ? Anyway it was nice to go back there even if the place changed so much since 2001, I will go back at this Essex World Cafe to every one of my trip to New York City.

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