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09 November 2008


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Oh YUM!!
Those look so good!


those pretzels look great! i wish this bakery was in New Jersey! you know, you cannot get a really good pretzel anywhere. the last good pretzel i had was in Vienna a few years ago - there they serve them in taverns while you are perusing the menu.


I'll have to check out Wallsé. Thanks for the tip, yaokui!


wow....didn't know about this place. I must go! really nice! i actually like the bread/pastries at Wallse too. have you tried it there?


I wonder.... do they deliver to Arizona??? So LOVE hot pretzels...ZOMG!


Hi Denise. It's a Napa Valley thing as well. Roger Gural's recipe reportedly originated at the CIA at Greystone in St. Helena, California.

Denise Clarke

WOW! These guys look terrific ... I wonder if it is just a New York thing?



Almondine has wonderful pastries and ice cream in addition to their marvelous breads. You'll not be disappointed! Thanks for the comments, Chef E and doggybloggy.


thats one mighty fine 'pretzel'

Chef E

I will have to check this place out, because that looks darn good!

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