Are you old enough to remember the advertising slogan, "When you eat too well, demand Di-Gel?" I've never understood the paradox of shutting down the body's digestive system with antacids to offset the effects of overeating. By neutralizing gastric acid in the stomach, such agents actually impede digestion.
As an alternative, when I eat too well, I take papaya enzymes. Unlike an antacid's hampering effects on pepsin (a stomach acid needed to digest protein), the papaya's papain and chymonpapain enzymes promote the digestion of protein. Doesn't it seem more reasonable to aid the digestive process rather than to hinder it?
Though nutritional supplements are mostly unregulated in the United States, the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) quality-assurance seal identifies products made with high standards. My personal choice is Country Life's Natural Tropical Papaya. The chewable enzyme wafers taste much like papaya albeit sweeter. More important, however, they are highly effective digestive aids.
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