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27 July 2009


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{kiss my spatula}

i have been looking for a good excuse to buy some lemoncello and i think i've found it! :)


Sounds like a marvelous endeavor, wasabi prime! What was the ABV? (The ones I've encountered are typically around 30°.)

Incidentally, whence came the lemons?

wasabi prime

I made limoncello once, just a wee batch. The pros: it's good! The cons: I wanted more!! This drink recipe would surely be the silver lining to our outrageous heatwave we're having!


Indeed, it is beguilingly potent. Santé!

Robert-Gilles Martineau

A lemony curse?
I would try it definitely, and drink plenty of water after (before the next glass!)


That's a chance you'll have to take, Louise. Despite its intoxicating effect (or maybe because of it), this quaff really is yummy.


sounds yummy!! will try make some...its more alcohol than lemonade though!

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