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02 August 2009


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Sounds like a potentially electrifying experience, Anita. Thanks so much for sharing your memories.

Anita Heath

I used to eat there with Theodore Edison when I worked for him on Saturdays. He used to get the lentil soup.

Keith Blaze

I love the post. WOW! All the foods are delicious. Hope I can go in that pancake house.


Sadly, many of my childhood memories have faded. Thanks so much for your "inside" comments, Michelle.

Michelle Colombaris Berger

My father and his brothers and their dad owned the TCD many years ago. My papou was the baker and I have fond memories of going down in to the bakery with a styrofoam coffee cup to scoop up chocolate sprinkles as a treat. It's funny that you mentioned that now the diner is open 24/7. It always was when we were growing up. The building that is there now, was not the original. I was very young when the "new" building was brought in. I have not been back since they sold the diner in the late 70's.


the food surely looks good and yummy..

and what a great service they cater to their beloved customers..

a 24/7 diner..



Alas, wasabi prime, my cardiologist won't let me eat there very often. Thanks for your comment.

wasabi prime

Oh my goodness... the sandwiches... those onion rings...pure nirvana.

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