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24 January 2010


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Greetings, Robert-Gilles! Unfortunately, too much favorable publicity for underrated wines (such as those from the Côte Chalonnaise) usually leads to higher prices. (Should that happen, of course, we'll know whom to blame!) Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to your series.

Robert-Gilles Martineau

Dear Friend!
That is the marked advantage of living in a big city!
Your lucky one!
Incidentally, I'm planning to run a series of articles on Cote Chalonnaise/Bourgogne wines, probably the most underrated wines in Home country!
Best regards,


Thanks for the links, Greg. I embedded the videos into the post.


Hey - saw these two clips from the wine expo.

http://vimeo.com/8956583 - Kevin Zraly Interview

http://vimeo.com/8955023 - Gary Vaynerchuk Interview

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