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18 June 2010


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Were your companions not charged the tax, Michelle? There does appear to be some sort of skulduggery. While I paid the full $8.99 plus tax with my credit card, Punjabi would not allow me to add a gratuity to my charge. It seemed somewhat odd …

Thanks for the comment, Michelle. It's always a pleasure to hear from you.

Michelle @ Taste As You Go

I've been to Five Star a few times but haven't been back since they charged me more for my buffet lunch than they charged my lunch companions. All because I paid with my debit card and they paid with cash. Not cool.


Hi Alik. Thanks for your comment and the great recommendation!


Pretty much dead on review.

I HIGHLY recommend KABAB KING on 73rd Street and Broadway in Jackson Heights for the best Indian / Pakistani food.
UNTOUCHABLE for the last 10 years or so I have been going there and I tried them all.

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