The nation's largest trade and consumer wine event took place this weekend at the twentieth annual Boston Wine Expo. Some 300 international and domestic wineries participated in this year's Grand Tasting. With more than 1,800 wines to sample, it's possible I missed a couple.
As was the case last year, the 2011 show was more modest than the extravaganzas of the last decade. Once again, I was surprised and disappointed by the meager French representation. Tasting tables for Bordeaux, Bourgogne, and Champagne were conspicuously absent, leaving the Loire and Rhône valleys as standard-bearers of the drapeau tricolore.
Featured speakers included Ray Isle (keynote) of Food & Wine; Gloria Maroti Frazee from Wine Spectator; Leslie Sbrocco, award-winning author of "Adventures of a Thirsty Girl;" and others.
Boston Wine Expo
Seaport World Trade Center
200 Seaport Boulevard
Boston, MA 02210-2031 (map)
Upcoming Wine Events:
Washington, D.C. International Wine & Food Festival
February 10-13, 2011
New York Wine Expo
February 25-27, 2011
I do eat cake and love your site! Thanks for your comment, Abeer.
Posted by: Comestiblog | 05 February 2011 at 08:58 AM
I don't drink wine but i am sure it would be a fun event for wine lovers. I will be sure to pass the word along...
Posted by: Cakewhiz | 04 February 2011 at 11:39 PM