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13 April 2012


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lamb recipes

love the gastronomic display of creative food.

cuisinart griddler

Great content

Jeff Albucher

I wanted to share the first post of our Aroma Cucina blog series on what it took to put together this monster of a conference. Thought your readers might enjoy this insider's look. Here is my blurb and a link to the first post:

A Born Again Blogger!

WE’RE BAAACK!!!!!!! Wanna know where we’ve been? We got sucked into ‘IACPNYC Land’ and the journey was extraordinary! If you’ve seen any of the articles, blogs and reviews of IACP’s Annual Conference held in NYC a little over two weeks ago, you could not possibly have been at least a bit intrigued by the breadth of such a monumental undertaking. And how could you have possibly missed the relentless tweets and the deafening buzz in the social media world? Well, here is just the start of a series of blog posts we will share with our followers that will explain in full-on detail what we’ve been up to, and focusing on the players that made it all happen.
We head back to the mother country days from now, with the great satisfaction of knowing we pulled off a Cecil B. DeMille production on the NYC stage and made IACP a stronger and more relevant organization in the process. For us, it’s always the people you meet and those friendships developed, that allow us to measure our success on a project. We have been thusly rewarded!


Thanks so much for your kind comments, Jeff. Congratulations on such a fine show!

Jeff Albucher

Great review of IACP's Culinary Expo! We the CulXpo Team: myself, Renee Walton, Polly Adema and Kathy Blake) worked hard to make it a good mix. I noticed that you enjoyed our Taste of 5 Boros section which was specifically small local artisanal purveyors that produce their products within the NYC Metro area. Thanks for sharing, and thrilled you enjoyed!
Jeff Albucher
Aroma Cucina

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