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25 July 2012


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Patty O'Brien

Mes amis:
All the positive comments about the folks that made
Pascal's the magic oasis is
was I share. And I may never be able to order
escargots, truite and profiteroles anywhere else
in the world because it would break my heart that they were not being enjoyed at Pascal's. Life
offers us many choices and
many paths. Aren't we lucky to have strolled the
same path together, if only
for a while.
Bon voyage!
Much love, Patty O'Brien
[email protected]


You're most welcome, Elle.

Thank you for your heartwarming comments. The pleasure of our meeting was mine. Sorry to have missed your birthday shindig. It sounded like a grand time!

Elle Jill Doornick

I thank you for your article on Pascal's. Your description of everything, especially Renee, depicted to a tea her charming and unique beauty and personality as well as her family of which I am part of..It was a pleasure meeting you that memorable evening and again want to say how much I loved your recreation of our dear Pascal's which we now have a marvelous souvenir of this little corner of Larchmont that will remain in our hearts forever.

Our best wishes to Renee, Pascal, Marie-Christine, Angel and all concerned in the Pascal family.

hugs, Elle


Thank you so much for your kind comments, my dear friend Robert-Gilles.

Robert-Gilles Martineau

My dear old friend!
Lovely work!
Most people are keen on writing on existing gastronomic havens but few take the pains to dedicate themselves to anthologies or to remind people of the pleasure and honor granted at establishments which unfortunately decided to call it a day.
It is that kind of true reportage that makes gastronomy the pleasure we endeavor to share!
My most heartfelt thanks!
And do not forget to notify me when you write your next article!
Bien amicalement,


It was a delight to share it with you, Lynda. It's a shame there are no pictures of the tiara!


Comestiblog, what a lovely tribute to Pascal's. So glad that I got to be part of your final dinner there.


Your heartfelt sentiments are shared by so many, Sandra. Thanks so much for your wonderful comments.

Tante Sandra

What a superb Tribute…kudos, Comestiblog. You took the time to honor honorable people.

It was a pleasure to see how you aptly described (and even showed in your video) what Renée does…she "visualizes" outcome. That creative ability is also paired with a fearless persistence. She does not think in terms of obstacles but rather, solutions. It's no wonder people cannot resist her joyful but unrelenting enthusiasm (too bad Renée Powell isn't a politician!) because she does not give up. Unless of course, she has to.

Renée, Pascal and her mother, Marie-Christine, brought a casual glamour to Larchmont…I agree, not trendy - as you wrote - but more substantive based upon their closeness as a family and their affection for other people. Even under the best of circumstances, a restaurant is a demanding business but coupled with this brutal Recession, they refused to compromise on quality and learned to manage the stress (how Renée always looked gorgeous I'll never know) with their wry and infectious sense of humor.

"The End" is a song by Paul McCartney for the album, Abbey Road. It was the last song recorded collectively by all four Beatles:

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."

In the end, it wasn't about the French Marigold Yellow walls or the hand-made plates or the Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée (although Pascal's onion soup will be seriously missed).

In the end, it was about the generous portions of Love they served for 12 years. That's what will be remembered. The people will be remembered.

And to all of Renée's fans I say this.

Stay tuned.


The pleasure is mine, Renée.


My sincerest thanks, Comestiblog for your beautiful detailed and moving post. Your writing, pictures and videos went straight to my heart! I can't thank you enough for visiting Pascal's during its final days - meeting you was a real treat.

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