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Co·mes·ti·blog (kə-ˈmes-tə-blȯg): A comestible weblog of eating, drinking, and (dubious) taste
My love of food is Comestiblog's raison d'être. I’ve been consuming comestibles for some time but have only recently mustered the effrontery to write about it. The prospect of sharing my ruminations worldwide undoubtedly exceeds the boundaries of good taste and common decency, and is probably more than should be tolerated. But then, who can argue with the overwhelming success so far? To wit, since its inception, this blog has attracted as many as 1.5 subscribers. The goal is to eventually double or possibly triple that number.
Despite my limited tastes, I don't restrict myself to any particular genre of comestible. I do, however, strive to find good food, good service, and good value.
Last, but most important, I invite you to participate. Agree or disagree with one or more of my posts? Feel free to add comments and make your opinions known. Know a good place I should try? Have other ideas concerning whither I should go? Please send me email with your suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for reading!